Sunday, September 30, 2012

oops....I almost forgot

It has been so long since my last post, I almost forgot I had a blog.  Pathetic.  I know.

So, since we last met Jenna broke her finger, school started, Jenna had surgery to put a pin in the finger, Shane turned 7, Jenna had the pin removed, Jenna turned 6, I missed two eye exam appointments, Danny did the 24 Day Challenge and went paleo (and he is doing a much better job than I am at staying 90-100% clean in his eating), I almost lost a relationship with a few people very dear to my heart, my brother, SIL and niece went half way around the world to see her brother get married, SIL's father passed away, my Dad and his girlfriend left on a Mediterranean cruise.  Pepper in several trips to the medical center, regular well check appointment's for the kids, a couple birthday parties, football practice, work, a few very far spread out WOD's, time with the husband, time with friends, time with family, stress, worry, love, joy and sorrow and you

Holy Shit.

I have made a resolve with myself to get my crap together.  To be a better steward of my time and responsibilities.  Hopefully I can get it all squared away this week as hunting season is upon us and that means lots of time as a hunting widow.  Saturday morning will be proving grounds as I have two places to be at the same time.  This is not going to be pretty.  Wish me luck!

I need to get this Bacon journal to make a list for myself of things I need to do each day.  I love making lists. I love checking things off said list that I have accomplished!