Monday, January 21, 2013

Amazing Morning at CrossFit Champions!

There are some days that things all fall in to place.

This morning my 6:00 a.m. crew was on fire!  Doubleunders were stringing together like never before, handstand push ups were looking great, dumbbell hang power cleans were beautiful!  I loved seeing all of this happen for my athletes!  It was such a great way to start my day, and theirs.

A new athlete joined our group this morning.  Rick did awesome for his first class - putting some pressure on the other guys.  This guy is a solid athlete!  I love it when friendly competition comes out and makes us do our very best.  Everyone wins!  Not in a Fun Fair Pretend Soccer kind of way, but in the way that we push ourselves to do more than we think we can.  Or to do the movements as they should be done - not skipping parts or getting lazy.  Or trying again something that we are not entirely sure that we can do - like handstands or heavier dumbbells.

On a totally different yet CrossFit related note I got to see my Great Aunt Dorothy at my cousin's wedding this weekend.  We were talking about the bone disease that runs in our family, osteoporosis, and things of that nature.  She is probably in her sixties, and is concerned about the state her bones are in and the idea of taking medication.  Of course I had to share with her my experience with my bone scans and how CrossFit and clean eating has improved the shape and strength of my bones.  Aunt Dorothy was VERY intrigued.  I cannot wait to share more in depth information with her.

And this is a picture that adequately describes my Mom's sister and 4 of her 5 brothers:

We are not your average family!

So, back to my original thought - my rockin' athletes!  I hope they had as much fun as I did this morning!  I love starting my day with the Cereal Killers.  Thank you for a great Monday morning.