Friday, March 23, 2012

Today was Fran for the WOD (Workout of the Day)at the gym.  I don't love Fran.  However, after finishing and being pleased with my work, I checked my old journal and found that last time we did Fran, I was using 10# lighter barbell than I did today! Woo Hoo! Now, to keep working on unassisted pull ups. One of my many CrossFit (CF) goats.

After my successful gym time, I tried to let go of the housework and mommy guilt and had a mani/pedi.  I actually let myself begin to relax and enjoy my time.....and then my phone rang.  It was the pre-school teacher telling me Little Miss had a tummy ache.  If you know this child, you know that I am fully expecting her to win an Emmy one day.  Of course, I rush to school to get her and she comes running up to me with a big smile on her face.  The Friday teachers have not become wise to her tactics yet.  So, I picked her up early.

A day in the life of a wife/stay at home mom/CF trainer is never typical.  You never know what the day will throw in your face.  Just have to take it the best you can and keep moving.  Seriously, what else can you do?

I need to go have a bone density scan done.  When I turned 30 I was diagnosed with osteoporosis.  I was not overly surprised by this due to having Osteogenesis Imperfecta which is a hereditary bone disease.  Anyway- I need to go have this done again to see what CF has done for me.  I feel 100% confident that the work I do at CrossFit Champions (CFC) has improved my bone density.  I just want proof of it.  I will be 39 soon, holy shit, and want to know where I stand as far as my bones go.  I have lost about two inches of my height from the time I was in my late teens.  Some of it is from scoliosis which was not present when I was in my teens and some is a result of when I broke my back.  Either way - I don't want to get any shorter!  There is a worry in the back of my mind each time I do dead lifts, one of my most favorite lifts, that I am smashing my vertebrae closer and closer together and harming myself.  Then there is the voice in the front of my mind the says "200 pounds is SOOOOOO close, keep it up".  Currently at a 195 PR. That makes me so happy!  I love being strong!

Tonight was a true test of wanting what I want most instead of what I want right now.  After dance we went out to dinner.  This is a very dangerous situation when you are on a 21 day hard core nutrition program. We went to SmashBurger.  So, the rest of my family is happily eating their burgers (with buns and cheese), fries and fried pickles as I am eating my chicken salad with no dressing and no cheese (it did have guacamole which works as a tasty dressing).  Now, I really do love this salad.  However, tonight was really difficult for me because Friday or Saturday dinner is typically when I will eat whatever I have been craving all week.  My sugar/carb demons were out in full force tonight.  I was able to resist.  I kept thinking about how many times I have given in and therefore set myself back to the starting line.  I don't want to do that anymore.  After dinner we took the kids to Orange Leaf.  Holy hell.  I am not really an ice cream or frozen yogurt lover, but again, here I sit wanting a bite, just one bite.  Again, I was able to stay focused on what I want so badly - a leaner body where the hard work at the gym pays off in more easily seen muscles and less jiggle and the confidence to take on swim suit season.  If I was not reporting to anyone, I really do not think I would have been able to pull off tonight without caving in to my addictions.  But, I know that Monday morning I have to email my food log for the previous week.  Accountability is important.

Fran is reminding me of her existence in my life this morning.  The soreness is setting in to my quads.  Oh, sweet Fran, you are one bad bitch.

Have you noticed, I can't really stay focused on one topic?? Something Shiny!

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