Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So, we are in week 4 of our new closed class system at CrossFit Champions.  I am getting to know my athletes better and figuring out what each one needs from WOD to WOD.

This morning my 11 athlete class was discussing the big age range in our Monday, Wednesday Friday class- 17 up to 67 in one class. (can I type class one more time?)  Each one does their absolute best and should be very happy with their work.  As their coach, I am happy!

I think that although it is said all the time that CrossFit is for everyone, it does not always come across that way.  If people only check out the main page online, they may not see the 67 year olds, the pushing 40's, the hard working stay at home moms.  We are all there.  All trying to be better than we were yesterday.

CrossFit Champions is the only CF affiliate I have ever been to.  I know they are popping up all over the world, but I have no reason to venture out.  We have a family environment where it is OK to fall on your butt, get up and then try again.  Tears are part of CrossFit, well, for me they are!  When I have pushed myself to my breaking point, the tears flow.  Surprisingly, I am not embarrassed to cry at my gym.  I would have been mortified had this ever happened at my old globo gym.    But, at CFC I am in a comfortable environment where it is safe to get out of your comfort zone.  Does that make any sense to you?  It's a good place to do shit that scares you.  How's that?!?

I have completely forgotten my point of this post.  No big surprise.  I think what I am trying to say is that I love my job, I love my affiliate, I love the athletes we have.  Never in a million years did I ever think that I - the girl who sat out in P.E. as much as humanly possible- would find herself at CrossFit and then as a CF coach!  CrossFit changed me for the better.  There is an athlete inside all of us.  Find yours!

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