Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hey, Bacon Lovers!  The past few weeks have not been the best.  Kiddos have been dealing with allergies, I have been dealing with allergies.  This translates into me missing 2 of my 3 WOD's last week.  Not good!  So far, so good this week!  Woo Hoo!!

This morning I worked out 3.5 hours earlier than normal.  Wow, that's a change!  I'm used to being up at 5 but not working out at 5 - BIG DIFFERENCE!  Anyway, we did "Grace" today, I went too light on my weight.  I'll do better next time.

OK - on to what I actually wanted to post about.  Read several Coach Glassman quotes today and one really stuck out like it was written for CFC - "The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community."

So much of what keeps me going back is the people I work with and train with.  I love seeing one of my athletes try a higher box for the first time and make the jump.  I love cheering my WOD partner on to a PR on her front squat.  I love when I am whining about not being stronger and somebody tells me to shut up.  :-)  Our community rocks!  This weekend we are hosting our free Saturday WOD followed by an open house/BBQ.  I can't wait to meet some new people who are interested in seeing what we do here.  Lives are changing - and it's cool to watch!  You can hear someone talk on and on and CrossFit but until you are part of an affiliate community, you will never get the full picture.

OK, gotta get started on dinner.  Oh yes, bacon will be involved!

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