Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And It Has Begun.......

Today I started my 24 Day Challenge.  I have to admit, I have had no - yes- NO coffee today and I'm feeling pretty good.  Whew!

I did learn that when I take an Advocare Spark and add a Slam to it - holy shit do I get stuff done!  I was like Beavis as The Great Cornholio.  Pretty funny stuff!

Anyway- so far so good and we are on hour 10 of my day.  I honestly have been terrified about this whole no dairy thing as that took away my beloved coffee with heavy whipping cream, but I am pleasantly surprised!
I will post my before and after stats once the challenge is over. Possibly pictures.  That's a big maybe.

OK - our community pool opened over the Memorial day weekend so naturally the kids wanted to be there from open to close all three days.

Swim suits.  General public.  Oh My!

All I have to say is that CrossFit is great!  I am by no means perfect, but I do not get freaked out by summer and swim suits like I used to.  Bring on the beach!  But, then again I spent both of my pregnancies in a bikini by the pool!

What a cool thing for a woman!  I am proud of the muscles I work so very hard for.  I love being able to throw my kids around in the water.  Being strong is some pretty cool stuff!

Other news on being strong.  Costco!  Watching other people struggle to get things into their basket honestly makes me feel sad for them.  I know where they can go to find their strong-  CrossFit Champions of course!  Another cool thing - a guy asking me if I need help to get my stuff in my truck and being able to say "no- I got it, but thanks for the offer".  I do not like needing help.  Wanting help is a whole other story.  But I do not at all want to NEED help.

Friday I am going to take the kids to watch the shuttle replica be ferried across Clear Lake.  (I still really miss living there.  It is simply my home.)  How cool is it going to be to watch a life size shuttle cruise across the lake on a barge?  Pretty stankin' cool!  It is coming via the ICW from Florida.  This means it will have to cross the bay and go under the Kemah Bridge.  Captain James is going to use his connections to get us a pretty close idea of what time it will arrive.  I am excited about this - and I really don't give a flip about the whole space thing in spite of growing up with NASA in my backyard!

OK one more picture and then I am signing off for today!

Have a great week!

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