Monday, May 14, 2012

One of those days......and if you read my post from yesterday this is not surprising.

Today at CFC our WOD was 5 rounds of 10 dead lifts, 20 ab mat sit ups and a 400m run.  I knew I was going to have a hard time on this one.  Well, the runs anyway as I love dead lifts and sit ups.

Before the WOD began I announced that I would cry.  Sure enough, I did.  When you have all these emotions hiding just under the surface, nothing makes them all come out like a tough WOD.   When you push yourself physically, there is no energy left to keep things in.  So, out they come.  Normal enough for me to cry at CFC.  Like I have said before, I don't get embarrassed or uptight about it.

I feel so much better after a good workout and a good cry.  Who doesn't??

Now - a picture!

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