Sunday, May 20, 2012


Oh my, do I need structure in my life!  When left to my own devices I stay in jammies until I have to leave the house or until right before my husband comes home from work!  Today is one of those days.

Hubby is out of town and the kids and I were wiped out from a full day of fun at Greek Fest yesterday so we skipped Church.  So, staying in jammies I got to work on laundry, dishes, refereeing kids arguments, the typical make a house run kind of stuff.

Then I read the schedule/structure of the 24 Day Challenge I am about to embark upon along with my fellow athletes at CFC.  Hello, Structure!  Actually, this is a good thing.  There will be no questions as to what I need to do when.  It is all planned out. I can follow a plan!

Along the whole following a plan thing - I am taking the time today to plan our meals for the week, checking to see what I need to add to the grocery list, what meat I need to take out of the freezer.  Makes things so much easier when the dreaded "what am I making for dinner" question arises.  I already know!  Woo Hoo!

Another thing I am getting excited about - the shirts for my M/W/F CFC class will be in by Friday!  This group is called the Cereal Killers!  Very cool artwork was created for our team shirt.  I cannot wait to represent my athletes - they are all incredibly hard workers.  I do not take lightly the fact that they are trusting me to get them further down their path to health and fitness.  Together, we are an unstoppable force!

Now, for a little bacon!

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