Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Athletes!

As a coach at CrossFit Champions I have the pleasure of working with some awesome people - my athletes.
I have two classes - The Cereal Killers and The Bupree Social Club  

These athletes are up and at the gym ready to workout at 6:00 in the morning, ready to give it all they have.  I just wanted to post some pictures of have of them doing their thang!



Mickey and Matt M.






My Birthday 


They get sad when their fellow athletes can't make it to class




This is not everyone - but it's what I have for now!  I have so much fun with these people - plenty of jokes, smiles, smack talk, encouragement, support, prayers, you name it - we have it at 6:00am! 

My classes are cohesive units - each athlete working to become better in the gym and outside the gym.  I believe walking through the door at CrossFit Champions changes you - for the better.  When your body is strong, your mind is strong.  When you fuel yourself with quality nutrition, every cell in your being benefits, working from the inside to create a better you.  Does your gym offer a community of support?  Does your coach email you when you are missing classes?  Does the athlete next to you tell you that you are strong enough to finish your WOD?  Do they congratulate the one who finishes last equally as the one who finishes first?  If not - you need a new gym.  

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