Monday, August 6, 2012

School Lunch

Hey, bacon eaters!  Have you noticed that the school year is fast approaching?  A mere three weeks away here at our house. Yikes!

Packing lunch for my kids can be a challenge, especially as the year rolls on and they get tired of my limited ideas.  I am always looking for ideas of healthy school lunches to pack for my son and daughter. Feel free to send some my way!

I do have one handy kitchen helper, PLANET BOX!  Do you know Planet Box?  You should!  Planet Box is a stainless steel all in one lunchbox system.  I am not the most earth friendly person around, but I do love not having to buy plastic bags for lunches.  The lunch box has 4 compartments and one tiny square just big enoughfor a small piece of dark chocolate (or maybe a marshmallow :-)), an insulated carry case with an outside pocket the perfect size for a Thermos bottle and an interior pocket for a cold pack and straps for utensils.  You can customize your Planet Box with magnet sets, too!

This year I have even purchased cloth napkins so they have nothing to throw away - my son will really like that.

Since the kids get only 30 minutes for lunch, there is no time wasted opening packages or waiting for a helper to help them open something.  They simply unzip the carry case, open the hinged lid and eat!

My kids do eat sandwiches most days for lunch (I know, so NOT paleo/primal), so that is in one compartment, another gets veggie sticks, another gets some fruit, and on occasion some sort of treat/dessert in the 4th compartment.  Have the divided tray/lunch box also gives the kids a lunch that simply looks more appetizing than a lot of things in plastic bags.  When you can see a lunch full of fresh food, varying colors and textures - it just begs to be eaten!

Now, if only my little fashionista could be trusted to wear remotely matching clothes to Kinder this year, that would be great!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to teach BOTH of your little ones this year!
