Wednesday, October 10, 2012


There is a bone disease that runs on my mother's side of the family -  Osteogenesis Imperfecta

I have it and Jenna has it.  My mom had it, her dad had it, two of her brothers have it, some of my cousins and their children have it.  Thankfully, Jenna and I have very mild complications compared to so many others.

I have talked about this in the past but when I was 30 I had my first bone density screening and the results showed osteoporosis.  I had another screening done when I was 35, this test showed further weakening of my bones.  This was also after I had my two kids, I have no clue if that affected things or not.

A few weeks ago I had another screening.  Results this time made me cry - with JOY!  Normal bone density for my age/sex/etc/etc.  Really - I don't know that I can adequately explain to you how important this news is to me.

I truly believe that the past three years of CrossFit training and changing my nutrition habits made this happen.  The weight lifting, jumping, pushing, pulling, squatting, pounding, lunging, throwing, running, rowing, you name the CF move has made me stronger and has turned the tide on my advanced bone loss!  My bones are probably stronger than they have ever been!  Yes, I still break things - but when you drop a dumbbell on your fingertip, it's probably going to do some damage no matter who you are.  I'm still a bit of a klutz!  BUT, that's not the point - the point is that I am doing what it takes to ensure that I can be as healthy as I can for as long as I can!

It takes hard work, sore muscles, cursing the much younger/stronger-than-me man that does the programming at CFC , sweating, crying, laughing, you name it!  But this stuff really works!

Add to this type of true exercise a way of fueling my body better than I ever have.  Really - better than I ever knew I could or even should.  Learning and living the benefits of clean nutrition is still a work in progress for me.  I'm not perfect.  I am a work in progress - but true progress is being made.

I have learned and told others that even if you can't see improvements, when you give your body proper, clean nutrition you will begin to get better on a cellular level.  IT'S TRUE!!!!  I am proof to myself that it is 100% true.

Another very cool thing - Shane convinced Jenna to try the CrossFit Kids class at CFC  and she loved it!  Coach Matt Regitz does such a great job with the kids!  If I can keep my kids active, in a CrossFit kind of way, I know they will forever be better for it.  Jenna has more at stake - I hope this is something she becomes passionate about and will soon understand just how important it is for her to stay active.  Shane is all in!  He counted the days until he was old enough to be in the kids program!  I will do all that I can as their mom to be the inspiration and be the 'Do As I Do' type of parent.

How cool will it be when they are stronger than me?!?!

OK, I am losing focus.  So - just know that I was a mess before I found CrossFit and now I am strong!  I love being strong!

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