Saturday, October 6, 2012

Question - Are you proud of where you workout?  Do you workout with people that are sources of inspiration?  Do you want to be an inspiration to them?

I would not have ever thought this type of thing would apply to a gym.  I had my memberships to a few globo-gyms and I was just a face in the crowd. No one knew if I was there or not.

Things could not be more different at CrossFit Champions.  As an athlete and a as a coach at CFC the other members and coaches know if I am there, know if I am sticking to a consistent WOD schedule, know if I am improving or stagnating.  And - if I'm not holding up my end of the bargain, they call me out on it.  I am proud to be part of such a gym.

I have had some big ups and downs over the past couple months, personally and professionally.  Things have turned the corner and are improving - some faster than others - and I have had it made clear to me that it is time to stop putting myself and my WOD's last on the to do list.

When I do not take the time to care for myself, everything else goes downhill.  I can skate along for a little while and then it all hits a brick wall.  Time to get my act together.

Consider my s#!& pulled together.  Well, except for a clear line of thinking on this, and many, blog posts!

Now, for your viewing pleasure - Shane and Jenna's birthday cakes made by my cousin Kim - she is fantastic!  And a picture of my goofy pup, Ginger!

Jenna had this same design 2 years ago but she wanted it again!  Her favorite part of this cake is the tiny pearl at every intersection of the quilting pattern.  Beautiful!

The detail on Vader is lost on this picture.  I was amazed at how accurate he was. Shane almost peed his pants when he saw this cake!

Ginger - what can we say about Ginger? I love her cute little Boston Terrier frown and her mis-matched ears! 

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