Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Boy and His WOD

Monday was my son's first CrossFit Kids class.  He loved it!

Yesterday, one of my cousins came to stay with us for a few days and the kids were really excited and we let them stay up too late.  Much too late!

So, today is a workout day for my little man.  I let him sleep as long as I could.  When I went to wake him up, I told him he had the option of sleeping longer or going to the gym.  Though still mostly asleep, in his groggy 6 year old voice, he says "But I can't miss my WOD."  Smile!

So, up he got.  Ate a small breakfast, got his new workout clothes on, and off we went.  He has such fun with Coach Matt and the others kids in his class.  He tells me all about what they do.  I don't watch as I use this time to do some work at CFC.  I am going to have to watch next time.

I am seeing proof that my children are watching and listening very closely to what I say and especially what I do.  I talk to them about eating healthy to fuel their bodies.  I talk to them about my workouts.  They are at the gym watching me and my fellow athletes do our WOD.  They are part of this community of people who want to be better than they were yesterday.

Are we all elite athletes at CFC, no.  Are we all doing more than what we used to do and what we think we can do, yes!

I got a PR on my back squat today!  I love that my son was witness to that.  He is watching and learning - I am very pleased with what he is learning!