Friday, June 22, 2012

24 Day Challenge Results!

Oh.  My.  Goodness.
I am in shock, totally surprised and oh so happy!

Little background first:  My body does not typically respond favorably to any weight loss plan.  When 99% of people will lose body fat, I gain.  When 99% people gain muscle mass, nothing happens for me.  This has been going on for 20 years.  Quite frustrating to say the least.

Introduce the 24 Day Challenge which involved CrossFit Training at CFC, AdvoCare supplements, and clean nutrition and I GOT RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously - you simply cannot know how stinking happy I am!!!

The challenge began with this WOD (Workout of the Day):
3 Rounds for time of:
300 meter run
9 Clean and Thruster (I used 53#)
12 Pull Ups (band assisted for me)
15 Box Jumps (20" box)

The first time I did this WOD at the beginning of the challenge my time was 16:57
Repeated same WOD, same weights, same clothes, same spot in the gym 24 days later  my time was 15:49

One minute and 8 seconds faster!!!!!

My body weight dropped 4 pounds
My body fat stayed about the same
I lost 1 inch in my waist
I lost 1 inch in my hips
I gained almost 1/2 inch in my bicep


Really, with my track record, I was not expecting much of anything.  I felt that no matter what, I would improve my overall health but was not expecting my body to actually respond in such an impressive manner. In 24 days, these are great results!  I did not feel like I was 'on a diet', I did not feel deprived.  Yes, in the beginning, I had some cravings.  As the time progressed the cravings went away or diminished significantly.  I no longer drink my heavy whipping cream with a splash of coffee everyday.  I will drink a cup of black coffee from time to time but I don't feel like I need it anymore.  I did have big plans for a treat meal when this was all over, but now really, all I want is some cheese and a beer.  Not together- yuck.

Along the way, I realized that I did not eat as clean as I thought I did.  I truly thought I was a solid 80% clean/paleo eater.  I no longer believe I was.  I know I am now.

Now that the challenge is officially over for me I plan to continue eating clean.  I will allow some cheese in my diet and see how my body reacts.  If I don't feel so great after eating it, I won't continue to eat it.  I have found that nuts make me feel not so great.  When you get your system functioning on quality nutrition it is so easy to see how one specific food can affect you.  When you eat mostly crap, there is no way for you to know how good you can feel after fueling your body on good food.  I will reduce my carb intake to hopefully lean out a little more.  I am sure I will add a little more healthy fat and keep my protein about the same.

I am now taking the AdvoCare MNS-C to assist me in my quest for leanness!  I like to convenience of the strips - I don't have to count out pills or take bottles with me if I'm not going to be home, just grab the strip for the day and go!  I like using the AdvoCare Arginine Extreme and Mass Impact before WOD's.  I am going back to my favorite tasting post-WOD protein from Integrated Supplements.  I will keep a close eye on how I am feeling, looking and how I am preforming during my workouts to see where I may need to make adjustments to my plan.

I am just crazy excited and happy!

I'll keep you posted!

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