Monday, December 31, 2012

No Resolutions

I am not a resolution maker.  I have enough daily challenges that keep me on my toes!  I am, however, learning how to set real goals.  This is difficult for me.

Setting goals requires thought about how you will go about achieving your goals.  What exact steps, and in what order, do I need to take to reach this goal? How will I deal with possible set backs?  What is the time frame to reach this goal?  Do I need others to help me?  The list can go on!

I am learning how to do this.  To make my goals real - not just something I wish would happen.  I am finding this to be a real challenge.

Like you have heard before, and I truly believe this, is that nothing worth while comes easy.

Becoming a better parent takes me looking in depth at how I respond and react to my children.  What type of example do I set for them?  How do I handle myself when dealing with nasty people?  For me to be the wife I want to be for my husband I must the very aware of how I interact with him.  Do I treat him with the same respect I want?  Do I support and uplift him as I want him to support me?

Same is true at work.  For me to be the coach I want to be for my athletes, I must learn from my coach.  I must continue to educate myself.  I must practice what I preach to my athletes.  Do I fuel my body as I suggest they do?  Do I put the same effort in to my WOD's as I expect them to?  Do I listen to my coach as closely as I expect them to listen to me?

Setting a goal can be hard.  It makes your wish real.  It requires work, effort, sacrifice, possibly asking for help.  Have the courage to make your wishes come true!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas, Family, Food and Fun

Thanksgiving gluttony has passed.

And it will never be spoken of again.

Today Danny and I started a 10 day cleanse.  I don't want to lose total focus and end up at the end of the year feeling run down due to poor planning and letting my desire for better health slide to the back burner.

I know there are parties coming up - some will be with like minded CFC  folks and others will be with those who do not share my mindset.   I will be the constant in all situations.  I will be responsible for how I choose to participate in the merriment.

Really- it's only as difficult as you make it.

Now, for a Paleo Service Announcement:


Monday, November 26, 2012

CrossFit Coaches Prep Seminar

Two weekends ago Nicole Stahl and I were fortunate enough to attend a CrossFit Head Quarters (CFHQ) Coaches Prep certification at Alamo CrossFit in San Antonio.

It was more than I expected it to be!

First, there were only 23 coaches and box owners there along with 3 CFHQ staff members - Jason Khalipa, Adrian Bozman and Nadia Shatila.  What an amazing group - coaches and staff!

The staff was beyond what I could have hoped for.  It was so clear that the only purpose they had was to provide us with the tools to be the best coach we could possibly be.  The information, corrections and critiques they gave was all for one purpose - to help us help our athletes.

Can you tell I liked it???

It was a little uncomfortable to be out of my comfort zone- CFC, my athletes, our coaches- but that soon passed.  The second day I relaxed and felt like my true coaching style was able to come out, and therefore things that I need to improve upon could also come out.  This was the place to make mistakes.  Make mistakes and then learn how to do and say things better, more accurate, simpler.  Turns out I'm too nice and talk too much.  Hear that Cereal Killers?  Time for me to get less nice!

I came away from the certification feeling better equipped to lead my athletes down their road to improved health and fitness. I now have a deeper understanding of how CrossFit and my coaching, together with hard work from my athletes, will bring about your ultimate fitness!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Moving Heavy Things

Busy week!  I feel like I could excel as a furniture mover.  In the process of getting our house ready to show we moved lots of furniture out and into storage.  Four truck loads of stuff!  Why do we need so much stuff?  Really?

Anyway - I think it is cool being strong enough to do this!  Today I noticed in my WOD that I had no steam left.  I did PR on my bench press - woo hoo!, but then Jerks about did me in.  As the shirt says, I love Jerks!  Today they were just hard.  Eh, that is life.   When one area is wearing you out, you are going to see it affect other areas as well.

I have been crazy sleepy.  This is a problem in general but with each day filled to the brim with things to move, pack, buy, return, houses to look at, etc., etc., etc., it really sucks.  I don't have to look very far to see one area where I have let things slide - nutrition.  It has not been horrible, but it has not been on par, either.  Irregular eating patterns.  Not enough water.  Too much eating out - even when I do make good choices it is not the same as preparing food at home where you know exactly what the ingredients are.  I am convinced that Pappasito's puts sugar on their fajita beef.  Jimmy Johns UnWhich is a good choice if eating out, but what all is in their cold cuts?  You get the point.

So, as of today the house is officially ready for showings.  The massive get ready is complete.  Football practice is over.  Hunting season is in full swing.  Life can now return to some sense of normalcy.

Speaking of hunting season - we are out of meat!  I failed to check that the freezer door was sealed shut.  It wasn't.  We had to throw everything, including the freezer, away.  So, hopefully Danny will get an Axis and we can start eating right again!  Do you think the processor will have a speed option?!

Deep breath in............and out..........

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Wow!  Lots of stuff changing here this week!

Danny and I have lived in our current house for 7 years.  We don't like it.  It just does not work for our family.  We have changed a lot of things about this house - new floors, new patio, new furniture, new paint colors, new uses for rooms, etc., etc.  But, still just not the house for us.  So, the sign is in the front yard.  The massive purge of stuff is under way.  Paint is being touched up.  The wall of family pictures by the front door is now blank - very sad.  The new towels are on the towel rods and NOT TO BE TOUCHED!!! The typical "get ready to have strangers come in our home and fall in love with it" is happening here in the Roberts household.

And on the flip side is the search for the right house for our family.  This time we are looking for more breathing room outside instead of inside.  Smaller house, bigger land!  Easier said than done, but it will work out the way it is supposed to.  I have faith that it will.

I got and giant haircut.  Big change.  Actually, I got it cut last Thursday and then again today.  I like it this time.  The sweet little momma-to-be that cuts my hair is so good to me!  She deals with my complaints so well and I am always happy with the end result!  Thanks, Amy!

Changes happening at work as well.  There have been some staff changes at CFC.  It is hard to see good coaches go.  But, again, I have faith that things work out the way they are supposed to.

Through all the changes either initiated by you or delivered to you, remember to:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Did you mess up?

Success does not come without failure.

Mistakes will happen, sometimes more frequently than at other times.  The key is getting past it.  Take a few notes, get up and move on.  You are smarter now - learn the lesson and just keep trying.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


There is a bone disease that runs on my mother's side of the family -  Osteogenesis Imperfecta

I have it and Jenna has it.  My mom had it, her dad had it, two of her brothers have it, some of my cousins and their children have it.  Thankfully, Jenna and I have very mild complications compared to so many others.

I have talked about this in the past but when I was 30 I had my first bone density screening and the results showed osteoporosis.  I had another screening done when I was 35, this test showed further weakening of my bones.  This was also after I had my two kids, I have no clue if that affected things or not.

A few weeks ago I had another screening.  Results this time made me cry - with JOY!  Normal bone density for my age/sex/etc/etc.  Really - I don't know that I can adequately explain to you how important this news is to me.

I truly believe that the past three years of CrossFit training and changing my nutrition habits made this happen.  The weight lifting, jumping, pushing, pulling, squatting, pounding, lunging, throwing, running, rowing, you name the CF move has made me stronger and has turned the tide on my advanced bone loss!  My bones are probably stronger than they have ever been!  Yes, I still break things - but when you drop a dumbbell on your fingertip, it's probably going to do some damage no matter who you are.  I'm still a bit of a klutz!  BUT, that's not the point - the point is that I am doing what it takes to ensure that I can be as healthy as I can for as long as I can!

It takes hard work, sore muscles, cursing the much younger/stronger-than-me man that does the programming at CFC , sweating, crying, laughing, you name it!  But this stuff really works!

Add to this type of true exercise a way of fueling my body better than I ever have.  Really - better than I ever knew I could or even should.  Learning and living the benefits of clean nutrition is still a work in progress for me.  I'm not perfect.  I am a work in progress - but true progress is being made.

I have learned and told others that even if you can't see improvements, when you give your body proper, clean nutrition you will begin to get better on a cellular level.  IT'S TRUE!!!!  I am proof to myself that it is 100% true.

Another very cool thing - Shane convinced Jenna to try the CrossFit Kids class at CFC  and she loved it!  Coach Matt Regitz does such a great job with the kids!  If I can keep my kids active, in a CrossFit kind of way, I know they will forever be better for it.  Jenna has more at stake - I hope this is something she becomes passionate about and will soon understand just how important it is for her to stay active.  Shane is all in!  He counted the days until he was old enough to be in the kids program!  I will do all that I can as their mom to be the inspiration and be the 'Do As I Do' type of parent.

How cool will it be when they are stronger than me?!?!

OK, I am losing focus.  So - just know that I was a mess before I found CrossFit and now I am strong!  I love being strong!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Question - Are you proud of where you workout?  Do you workout with people that are sources of inspiration?  Do you want to be an inspiration to them?

I would not have ever thought this type of thing would apply to a gym.  I had my memberships to a few globo-gyms and I was just a face in the crowd. No one knew if I was there or not.

Things could not be more different at CrossFit Champions.  As an athlete and a as a coach at CFC the other members and coaches know if I am there, know if I am sticking to a consistent WOD schedule, know if I am improving or stagnating.  And - if I'm not holding up my end of the bargain, they call me out on it.  I am proud to be part of such a gym.

I have had some big ups and downs over the past couple months, personally and professionally.  Things have turned the corner and are improving - some faster than others - and I have had it made clear to me that it is time to stop putting myself and my WOD's last on the to do list.

When I do not take the time to care for myself, everything else goes downhill.  I can skate along for a little while and then it all hits a brick wall.  Time to get my act together.

Consider my s#!& pulled together.  Well, except for a clear line of thinking on this, and many, blog posts!

Now, for your viewing pleasure - Shane and Jenna's birthday cakes made by my cousin Kim - she is fantastic!  And a picture of my goofy pup, Ginger!

Jenna had this same design 2 years ago but she wanted it again!  Her favorite part of this cake is the tiny pearl at every intersection of the quilting pattern.  Beautiful!

The detail on Vader is lost on this picture.  I was amazed at how accurate he was. Shane almost peed his pants when he saw this cake!

Ginger - what can we say about Ginger? I love her cute little Boston Terrier frown and her mis-matched ears! 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

oops....I almost forgot

It has been so long since my last post, I almost forgot I had a blog.  Pathetic.  I know.

So, since we last met Jenna broke her finger, school started, Jenna had surgery to put a pin in the finger, Shane turned 7, Jenna had the pin removed, Jenna turned 6, I missed two eye exam appointments, Danny did the 24 Day Challenge and went paleo (and he is doing a much better job than I am at staying 90-100% clean in his eating), I almost lost a relationship with a few people very dear to my heart, my brother, SIL and niece went half way around the world to see her brother get married, SIL's father passed away, my Dad and his girlfriend left on a Mediterranean cruise.  Pepper in several trips to the medical center, regular well check appointment's for the kids, a couple birthday parties, football practice, work, a few very far spread out WOD's, time with the husband, time with friends, time with family, stress, worry, love, joy and sorrow and you

Holy Shit.

I have made a resolve with myself to get my crap together.  To be a better steward of my time and responsibilities.  Hopefully I can get it all squared away this week as hunting season is upon us and that means lots of time as a hunting widow.  Saturday morning will be proving grounds as I have two places to be at the same time.  This is not going to be pretty.  Wish me luck!

I need to get this Bacon journal to make a list for myself of things I need to do each day.  I love making lists. I love checking things off said list that I have accomplished!  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Athletes!

As a coach at CrossFit Champions I have the pleasure of working with some awesome people - my athletes.
I have two classes - The Cereal Killers and The Bupree Social Club  

These athletes are up and at the gym ready to workout at 6:00 in the morning, ready to give it all they have.  I just wanted to post some pictures of have of them doing their thang!



Mickey and Matt M.






My Birthday 


They get sad when their fellow athletes can't make it to class




This is not everyone - but it's what I have for now!  I have so much fun with these people - plenty of jokes, smiles, smack talk, encouragement, support, prayers, you name it - we have it at 6:00am! 

My classes are cohesive units - each athlete working to become better in the gym and outside the gym.  I believe walking through the door at CrossFit Champions changes you - for the better.  When your body is strong, your mind is strong.  When you fuel yourself with quality nutrition, every cell in your being benefits, working from the inside to create a better you.  Does your gym offer a community of support?  Does your coach email you when you are missing classes?  Does the athlete next to you tell you that you are strong enough to finish your WOD?  Do they congratulate the one who finishes last equally as the one who finishes first?  If not - you need a new gym.  

Monday, August 6, 2012

School Lunch

Hey, bacon eaters!  Have you noticed that the school year is fast approaching?  A mere three weeks away here at our house. Yikes!

Packing lunch for my kids can be a challenge, especially as the year rolls on and they get tired of my limited ideas.  I am always looking for ideas of healthy school lunches to pack for my son and daughter. Feel free to send some my way!

I do have one handy kitchen helper, PLANET BOX!  Do you know Planet Box?  You should!  Planet Box is a stainless steel all in one lunchbox system.  I am not the most earth friendly person around, but I do love not having to buy plastic bags for lunches.  The lunch box has 4 compartments and one tiny square just big enoughfor a small piece of dark chocolate (or maybe a marshmallow :-)), an insulated carry case with an outside pocket the perfect size for a Thermos bottle and an interior pocket for a cold pack and straps for utensils.  You can customize your Planet Box with magnet sets, too!

This year I have even purchased cloth napkins so they have nothing to throw away - my son will really like that.

Since the kids get only 30 minutes for lunch, there is no time wasted opening packages or waiting for a helper to help them open something.  They simply unzip the carry case, open the hinged lid and eat!

My kids do eat sandwiches most days for lunch (I know, so NOT paleo/primal), so that is in one compartment, another gets veggie sticks, another gets some fruit, and on occasion some sort of treat/dessert in the 4th compartment.  Have the divided tray/lunch box also gives the kids a lunch that simply looks more appetizing than a lot of things in plastic bags.  When you can see a lunch full of fresh food, varying colors and textures - it just begs to be eaten!

Now, if only my little fashionista could be trusted to wear remotely matching clothes to Kinder this year, that would be great!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Yesterday I did my weekly grocery shopping and decided to get some Heavy Whipping Cream (HWC) and treat myself to an old favorite - coffee with plenty of HWC.

It was.........horrible.  I was so looking forward to what once was my most favorite thing to eat or drink. It made my stomach hurt - bad.  So, now the nostalgia is gone, the desire is gone, any leftover feelings of deprivation are GONE!

I was honestly taken by surprise by this whole thing.  While making this cup of coffee, I knew it could send me back to where I used to be - drinking many, many cups of this each day.  Instead - I like my plain black coffee better than I thought I did.  I have one or two cups in the morning and once in a while a cup in the afternoon.  Down from what was an average of 5 cups a day with the HWC.

My sister-in-law asked me how I made this switch.  I told her I just decided to make the change.  It was about doing what I felt I needed to do - not what I wanted to do at the time.  I am still surprised I was able to stick with it.  Yay, Me!

Just one of those things that took me by surprise!  That's all I have for now!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Food - It Makes a Difference

I have been doing some work with 3 and 4 years olds in the area lately.  Lunch time is always an experience!  Notably what is packed by the parents of these children in their lunch boxes.  I am always amazed.
This picture was no exception.  This child had in the lunchbox a container of cartoon shaped mac and cheese, two ziploc bags of Fruity Pebbles, a ziploc bag of Goldfish Crackers, a Little Debbie brownie and a bottle of water.  I was so shocked, I had to get a picture of this.  Sorry the picture is so small but I did not want any of the kids faces in the picture so I had to crop it down quite a bit and all I really wanted to show was the food.  There were lots of Lunchables, the pre-made frozen PB&J sandwiches (really, you CHOOSE to not take 2 minutes to make a PB&J???), if it came in a single serving pack from the store it was there.  One child had a nutritious home made lunch each day.  There was meat, veggies, a small amount of fruit and sometimes a small dessert.  That was so nice to see!

I am not the least bit skeptical of the idea that what we eat greatly influences our brains and behavior.  When our bodies are given a diet of sugar, artificial coloring, flavoring, carbohydreates, hydrogentated oils, heavily processed items and other various chemicals we are unable to function properly.  Our bodies are designed to run on protein, fat and a few carbohydrates.  Without proper nutrition, it does not matter how much time and effort you put in to your workouts.  You simply cannot out exercise a poor diet.  Diet meaning nutrition and fuel for your body.

Like I have said before, I struggle with staying on a strict paleo diet.  This past week I have been having trouble sleeping, getting up on time, having productive WOD's I am proud of, staying fully on track with fueling my body properly and having a positive attitude about many many things.  So - I took a long hard honest look at my nutrition.  You know what?  It was horrible!  I don't like that I let myself over indulge.  It affects me on so many levels.  But - it was all my choosing.  I could have chosen differently in every situation.  I cannot blame being extra busy.  I cannot blame anyone or anything other than myself.  And, I know that I can and I will do better.  I have had so many headaches and migraines over the past month it has been a real struggle.  When I am tired, in pain, not at my best it makes it more difficult for me to take the time to cook and eat right.  But when I don't everything gets worse.  I have not been able to pinpoint my migraine triggers, but I know it must be food related.  I will figure this out.

I am a work in progress.  No doubt about it.  I try to be as transparent as I can so my athletes know that if they veer off their path, they are not a lost cause.  It can be very difficult to truly change your lifestyle.  It also can take a great deal of time to fully make the switch.  This change can be even more difficult if you live in a house where you are the lone paleo person.  When family is not fully supportive of the changes you want and need to make for your own health and there are still grain products (typically one of the biggest stumbling blocks for people) in the pantry.

There will forever be excuses as to why you didn't do this, that or the other.  Rise above.  Do what is right even when you are busy, tired, pissed off, happy, sad, whatever.  It will be worth the extra time!

BTW- I think this is one of my most disorganized, no real topic posts EVER!

Monday, July 2, 2012

REST! Getcha Some

My last post was written while on a true high from my AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge results!  Still very excited about those results!

Last week I spent on the beaches of Florida. Aaahhh!  A week spent in the sun, clear water and white sand.

Beach Burpee with my little man!

I was able to fully relax and take a much needed break from what has been a very busy summer.  Coming back to reality is always a total culture shock!  Especially when one of the air conditioners is your house decides to quit July..... in Texas.

The week before we left I did something that I have not done in months - WOD three days in a row.  One of these days included Tabata Thrusters - who comes up with Tabata Thrusters?!?!?!  MM, that's who!  I forgot how truly taxing that is on your body.  Rest is such an important part of CrossFit.  The demands we put on our muscles and central nervous system by being CrossFitters are huge!  If we do not give our bodies adequate rest, injuries begin showing up, inflammation becomes an issue, and general burn out is on the horizon.

Think about it this way - why do you CrossFit?  I do it because I want to live a stupid crazy long time, I want to be the fittest I can be, I want to be healthier than I was yesterday, I love being strong and picking up heavy things.  I do it because I love myself enough to invest in my own health and well being.  If you continuously work at the high intensity of CrossFit WOD's, your body is going to fight back at some point.  Who wants to be sidelined for a long stretch of time with an injury?  At CrossFit Champions (CFC) I am know for my grace - which often leaves me with broken bones.  They don't call me Bubble Wrap for nothing!  *(NOTE:  name has been changed to Cornholio due to my impersonation of Beavis as The Great Cornholio, but I will also answer to the name of Frankie Pancakes)  Where was I going with this, oh yes, it really sucks to NOT be able to do a WOD.  I know from several experiences.

This is what happens when you are not paying attention when you put your dumbbells down.

By rest - I don't mean you have to be a goddess on a beach for a week (hee hee) but listen to how you are feeling.  Are you able to put 120% into your WOD if you workout 3 times a week instead of 5 times?  On the days you are not at your box, do you do fun outdoor activities with your spouse, your kids or your dogs?  Use your time outside of the box to strengthen your mind and your soul and your relationships with those you love.

And Now Some Bacon........

So, while shopping in Downtown Fort Walton Beach, I came across this bakery and their cupcake flavor of the day.  Bacon AND Pancakes?!?!?!?!!!!  HOLY YUM!  I did not eat one.  Now I'm wishing I had.  Oh well.

Friday, June 22, 2012

24 Day Challenge Results!

Oh.  My.  Goodness.
I am in shock, totally surprised and oh so happy!

Little background first:  My body does not typically respond favorably to any weight loss plan.  When 99% of people will lose body fat, I gain.  When 99% people gain muscle mass, nothing happens for me.  This has been going on for 20 years.  Quite frustrating to say the least.

Introduce the 24 Day Challenge which involved CrossFit Training at CFC, AdvoCare supplements, and clean nutrition and I GOT RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously - you simply cannot know how stinking happy I am!!!

The challenge began with this WOD (Workout of the Day):
3 Rounds for time of:
300 meter run
9 Clean and Thruster (I used 53#)
12 Pull Ups (band assisted for me)
15 Box Jumps (20" box)

The first time I did this WOD at the beginning of the challenge my time was 16:57
Repeated same WOD, same weights, same clothes, same spot in the gym 24 days later  my time was 15:49

One minute and 8 seconds faster!!!!!

My body weight dropped 4 pounds
My body fat stayed about the same
I lost 1 inch in my waist
I lost 1 inch in my hips
I gained almost 1/2 inch in my bicep


Really, with my track record, I was not expecting much of anything.  I felt that no matter what, I would improve my overall health but was not expecting my body to actually respond in such an impressive manner. In 24 days, these are great results!  I did not feel like I was 'on a diet', I did not feel deprived.  Yes, in the beginning, I had some cravings.  As the time progressed the cravings went away or diminished significantly.  I no longer drink my heavy whipping cream with a splash of coffee everyday.  I will drink a cup of black coffee from time to time but I don't feel like I need it anymore.  I did have big plans for a treat meal when this was all over, but now really, all I want is some cheese and a beer.  Not together- yuck.

Along the way, I realized that I did not eat as clean as I thought I did.  I truly thought I was a solid 80% clean/paleo eater.  I no longer believe I was.  I know I am now.

Now that the challenge is officially over for me I plan to continue eating clean.  I will allow some cheese in my diet and see how my body reacts.  If I don't feel so great after eating it, I won't continue to eat it.  I have found that nuts make me feel not so great.  When you get your system functioning on quality nutrition it is so easy to see how one specific food can affect you.  When you eat mostly crap, there is no way for you to know how good you can feel after fueling your body on good food.  I will reduce my carb intake to hopefully lean out a little more.  I am sure I will add a little more healthy fat and keep my protein about the same.

I am now taking the AdvoCare MNS-C to assist me in my quest for leanness!  I like to convenience of the strips - I don't have to count out pills or take bottles with me if I'm not going to be home, just grab the strip for the day and go!  I like using the AdvoCare Arginine Extreme and Mass Impact before WOD's.  I am going back to my favorite tasting post-WOD protein from Integrated Supplements.  I will keep a close eye on how I am feeling, looking and how I am preforming during my workouts to see where I may need to make adjustments to my plan.

I am just crazy excited and happy!

I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

It was a week of bacon goodies!
I got a phone case that looks like bacon.
 I got a shirt the says Praise The Lard.
 An athlete at CFC gave me a shirt that says I (sunny side egg in the shape of a heart) Bacon (written in bacon)
Bacon is good.

In other news, I finish up my AdvoCare/Paleo/CrossFit challenge this Thursday.  I will do my WOD on Wednesday morning to compare my time from when I did it at the beginning of the challenge.  I am definitely expecting an improvement!

Oh, I got a domain name for my AdvoCare site - PrimalAdvoCare  Check it out! I came up with the name because I incorporate a paleo/primal diet with the AdvoCare supplements.  I am simply loving the increased energy I am feeling with the AdvoCare supplements I am taking.  I feel stronger and leaner, also.  We will see what the tape measure has to say on Thursday!

I am still missing cheese. I like my black coffee with cinnamon powder.  This time has passed rather quickly and I am not counting the days until I can eat garbage.  Yes, I want a beer and a wedge of cheese - not together- but that is all I am looking forward to.  This is coming from a lifetime carb lover!

I had a very strong moment - Friday night was family movie night and the kids wanted pizza.  I really like pizza.  I baked them a standard cheese pizza.  It really smelled yummy!  But, I did not give in and eat any.  AND, I have not dipped in to the left over pieces, either.  THIS IS HUGE!!!!!  When I do decide that a special meal will be pizza - I will have my absolute favorite - very thin crusted, traditional Pizza Margherita-  small amount of cheese, big fresh basil leaves and slices of Roma tomatoes.  Yum!  Or so I think now anyway.  I wonder what I will feel like after eating this?  I will let yall know!

I like how strong my legs look in this picture.  This was taken during the initial Challenge WOD.   

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Boy and His WOD

Monday was my son's first CrossFit Kids class.  He loved it!

Yesterday, one of my cousins came to stay with us for a few days and the kids were really excited and we let them stay up too late.  Much too late!

So, today is a workout day for my little man.  I let him sleep as long as I could.  When I went to wake him up, I told him he had the option of sleeping longer or going to the gym.  Though still mostly asleep, in his groggy 6 year old voice, he says "But I can't miss my WOD."  Smile!

So, up he got.  Ate a small breakfast, got his new workout clothes on, and off we went.  He has such fun with Coach Matt and the others kids in his class.  He tells me all about what they do.  I don't watch as I use this time to do some work at CFC.  I am going to have to watch next time.

I am seeing proof that my children are watching and listening very closely to what I say and especially what I do.  I talk to them about eating healthy to fuel their bodies.  I talk to them about my workouts.  They are at the gym watching me and my fellow athletes do our WOD.  They are part of this community of people who want to be better than they were yesterday.

Are we all elite athletes at CFC, no.  Are we all doing more than what we used to do and what we think we can do, yes!

I got a PR on my back squat today!  I love that my son was witness to that.  He is watching and learning - I am very pleased with what he is learning!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

24 Day Challenge- 6 days in!!

I honestly cannot believe I have done it!  Coffee with no creamer for 6 days!!  This is nothing short of amazing for me.  If I can do this ANYONE can!

Today has been a huge turning point, as well. I have found a liberating freedom in drinking black coffee - I do not need to be so minimal on my healthy fats in my diet since I am not drinking most of them in my coffee.  Hello, Avocado! AND- I am beginning to find I truly enjoy the taste.  I know I will be tempted to go back to putting cream in it once the challenge is over but I don't think I want to do that.  Another thing that is nice about black coffee is how uncomplicated it is.  Doesn't matter where you are, the coffee is just right!  No heavy whipping cream, no problem!  Tastes can change.

I have not had a problem with the timing of the supplements which I was afraid I might.  There are not that many and thanks to a very handy check list- it is easy to remember what I need to take and when.  The structure is good for me, as I mentioned in an earlier post.

Structure is returning to CrossFit Champions this week, as well.  All classes will be back on their regular schedule.  All challengers begin Day 1 tomorrow.  My son is beginning CrossFit Kids tomorrow!  All sorts of new and exciting things!  Summer is off to a great start, I would say.  I think the off week was good for everyone.  Staff and athletes got a bit of down time, extra time for rest and recovery, extra time to try new activities, etc.

For fun- the Challengers have been posting emails to our challenge group as to what they ate for their last indulgent meal.  My favorite, by far, was a picture of a bag of powder sugar donuts!  I ate those by the pound while pregnant with my daughter.  Probably why the girl is so hell bent on having dessert every night!  All my fault!  My meal was dinner at Denny's pancakes, lots of syrup, butter, bacon, eggs, hash browns with ketchup and lots of coffee with lots of cream!  It tasted wonderful but I felt like absolute crap after. Challenge mode or not- that is NOT a normal meal for me!

I have been having easy food so far- roast beef rolled up with guacamole inside, salads with meat, eggs, bacon, spaghetti sauce with meat- no noodles of course, roasted chicken, lots of grilling.  Yes, I can do it all by myself now!  I love our Big Green Egg!  I made fajitas one night that were absolutely wonderful!  Meat was, of course, from Yonder Way Farm.  Farmer Jason and his chicks raise some very tasty food!  All grass fed, grass finished beef, pastured pork, poultry and eggs.  So yummy!  Tuesday is delivery day - I can't wait as I am almost out of eggs.  If you want to know where your meat comes from, want to have it hand delivered by the farmer himself, and usually one of his daughters, check them out.  I cannot say enough wonderful things about this farm and this family!

Mmmmm...zucchini on the Egg!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And It Has Begun.......

Today I started my 24 Day Challenge.  I have to admit, I have had no - yes- NO coffee today and I'm feeling pretty good.  Whew!

I did learn that when I take an Advocare Spark and add a Slam to it - holy shit do I get stuff done!  I was like Beavis as The Great Cornholio.  Pretty funny stuff!

Anyway- so far so good and we are on hour 10 of my day.  I honestly have been terrified about this whole no dairy thing as that took away my beloved coffee with heavy whipping cream, but I am pleasantly surprised!
I will post my before and after stats once the challenge is over. Possibly pictures.  That's a big maybe.

OK - our community pool opened over the Memorial day weekend so naturally the kids wanted to be there from open to close all three days.

Swim suits.  General public.  Oh My!

All I have to say is that CrossFit is great!  I am by no means perfect, but I do not get freaked out by summer and swim suits like I used to.  Bring on the beach!  But, then again I spent both of my pregnancies in a bikini by the pool!

What a cool thing for a woman!  I am proud of the muscles I work so very hard for.  I love being able to throw my kids around in the water.  Being strong is some pretty cool stuff!

Other news on being strong.  Costco!  Watching other people struggle to get things into their basket honestly makes me feel sad for them.  I know where they can go to find their strong-  CrossFit Champions of course!  Another cool thing - a guy asking me if I need help to get my stuff in my truck and being able to say "no- I got it, but thanks for the offer".  I do not like needing help.  Wanting help is a whole other story.  But I do not at all want to NEED help.

Friday I am going to take the kids to watch the shuttle replica be ferried across Clear Lake.  (I still really miss living there.  It is simply my home.)  How cool is it going to be to watch a life size shuttle cruise across the lake on a barge?  Pretty stankin' cool!  It is coming via the ICW from Florida.  This means it will have to cross the bay and go under the Kemah Bridge.  Captain James is going to use his connections to get us a pretty close idea of what time it will arrive.  I am excited about this - and I really don't give a flip about the whole space thing in spite of growing up with NASA in my backyard!

OK one more picture and then I am signing off for today!

Have a great week!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Oh my, do I need structure in my life!  When left to my own devices I stay in jammies until I have to leave the house or until right before my husband comes home from work!  Today is one of those days.

Hubby is out of town and the kids and I were wiped out from a full day of fun at Greek Fest yesterday so we skipped Church.  So, staying in jammies I got to work on laundry, dishes, refereeing kids arguments, the typical make a house run kind of stuff.

Then I read the schedule/structure of the 24 Day Challenge I am about to embark upon along with my fellow athletes at CFC.  Hello, Structure!  Actually, this is a good thing.  There will be no questions as to what I need to do when.  It is all planned out. I can follow a plan!

Along the whole following a plan thing - I am taking the time today to plan our meals for the week, checking to see what I need to add to the grocery list, what meat I need to take out of the freezer.  Makes things so much easier when the dreaded "what am I making for dinner" question arises.  I already know!  Woo Hoo!

Another thing I am getting excited about - the shirts for my M/W/F CFC class will be in by Friday!  This group is called the Cereal Killers!  Very cool artwork was created for our team shirt.  I cannot wait to represent my athletes - they are all incredibly hard workers.  I do not take lightly the fact that they are trusting me to get them further down their path to health and fitness.  Together, we are an unstoppable force!

Now, for a little bacon!

Monday, May 14, 2012

One of those days......and if you read my post from yesterday this is not surprising.

Today at CFC our WOD was 5 rounds of 10 dead lifts, 20 ab mat sit ups and a 400m run.  I knew I was going to have a hard time on this one.  Well, the runs anyway as I love dead lifts and sit ups.

Before the WOD began I announced that I would cry.  Sure enough, I did.  When you have all these emotions hiding just under the surface, nothing makes them all come out like a tough WOD.   When you push yourself physically, there is no energy left to keep things in.  So, out they come.  Normal enough for me to cry at CFC.  Like I have said before, I don't get embarrassed or uptight about it.

I feel so much better after a good workout and a good cry.  Who doesn't??

Now - a picture!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Well, Mother's Day has come to a close.  I have a very difficult time truly enjoying this day.  I am so eternally grateful for my two happy healthy children, but I have a hole in my soul that cannot be filled.

Motherless Daughters.  This is a shitty club to be in.  After 18 years of Mother's Days without my mom, you would think I would get used to it. But, I don't.  In fact, it simply @!*%ing sucks.  There are years where it is less painful.  This was not one of them.

I tried very hard to put on a happy face for my sweet kids who made me such cute cards.  I think I fooled them.  They are still too young for me to try to explain why I have such a hard time with this day.  I'm sure there are friends who think that by now I should be over this part of grief.  But, how can you ever be ok with this?

My mom and I were becoming very good friends.  We were moving to a new stage in our relationship.  I was past the high school know it all teenager crap.  Then, boom.  No warning.  She's gone.

I know there are too many young people, small kids, infants who lose a parent.  I know I should be happy that I had her for 20 years.  These are hard things to convince myself of, though.  I wanted to have her there when I graduated from college.  Wanted her to meet the man I married.  Wanted her to meet my children.  I want all this for my brother, too.

I know I should be happy that I did not have to see her suffer, or be in pain, or fight some horrible disease.  But that does not/did not make it any better.  Just different.

That is how I describe it.  It never gets better - just different.  The pain is still there, the tears still flow, the questions are still there.  Most days, so are the happy memories, the funny stories, sometimes I run across something that has her handwriting on it, having a relative or old family friend tell me how much I remind them of her.  Those things bring smiles.

So, here's to hoping next year is a happier one with more true smiles from my heart.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hey, Bacon Lovers!  The past few weeks have not been the best.  Kiddos have been dealing with allergies, I have been dealing with allergies.  This translates into me missing 2 of my 3 WOD's last week.  Not good!  So far, so good this week!  Woo Hoo!!

This morning I worked out 3.5 hours earlier than normal.  Wow, that's a change!  I'm used to being up at 5 but not working out at 5 - BIG DIFFERENCE!  Anyway, we did "Grace" today, I went too light on my weight.  I'll do better next time.

OK - on to what I actually wanted to post about.  Read several Coach Glassman quotes today and one really stuck out like it was written for CFC - "The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community."

So much of what keeps me going back is the people I work with and train with.  I love seeing one of my athletes try a higher box for the first time and make the jump.  I love cheering my WOD partner on to a PR on her front squat.  I love when I am whining about not being stronger and somebody tells me to shut up.  :-)  Our community rocks!  This weekend we are hosting our free Saturday WOD followed by an open house/BBQ.  I can't wait to meet some new people who are interested in seeing what we do here.  Lives are changing - and it's cool to watch!  You can hear someone talk on and on and CrossFit but until you are part of an affiliate community, you will never get the full picture.

OK, gotta get started on dinner.  Oh yes, bacon will be involved!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So, we are in week 4 of our new closed class system at CrossFit Champions.  I am getting to know my athletes better and figuring out what each one needs from WOD to WOD.

This morning my 11 athlete class was discussing the big age range in our Monday, Wednesday Friday class- 17 up to 67 in one class. (can I type class one more time?)  Each one does their absolute best and should be very happy with their work.  As their coach, I am happy!

I think that although it is said all the time that CrossFit is for everyone, it does not always come across that way.  If people only check out the main page online, they may not see the 67 year olds, the pushing 40's, the hard working stay at home moms.  We are all there.  All trying to be better than we were yesterday.

CrossFit Champions is the only CF affiliate I have ever been to.  I know they are popping up all over the world, but I have no reason to venture out.  We have a family environment where it is OK to fall on your butt, get up and then try again.  Tears are part of CrossFit, well, for me they are!  When I have pushed myself to my breaking point, the tears flow.  Surprisingly, I am not embarrassed to cry at my gym.  I would have been mortified had this ever happened at my old globo gym.    But, at CFC I am in a comfortable environment where it is safe to get out of your comfort zone.  Does that make any sense to you?  It's a good place to do shit that scares you.  How's that?!?

I have completely forgotten my point of this post.  No big surprise.  I think what I am trying to say is that I love my job, I love my affiliate, I love the athletes we have.  Never in a million years did I ever think that I - the girl who sat out in P.E. as much as humanly possible- would find herself at CrossFit and then as a CF coach!  CrossFit changed me for the better.  There is an athlete inside all of us.  Find yours!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just a little bacon for today (a little hard to read but certainly something to think about):

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter weekend!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I needed to read this yesterday.  And staple it to my forehead.  Sometimes I focus way too intensely on what is wrong, on what I am doing wrong, on what I could have done better and forget to give myself credit for the many other things that I do right.

I'm really good at that, actually- the whole not giving myself credit thing.

I am so thankful that I have a friend who reminds me to be nice to myself!

Now, just one more thing about BACON!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Today was Fran for the WOD (Workout of the Day)at the gym.  I don't love Fran.  However, after finishing and being pleased with my work, I checked my old journal and found that last time we did Fran, I was using 10# lighter barbell than I did today! Woo Hoo! Now, to keep working on unassisted pull ups. One of my many CrossFit (CF) goats.

After my successful gym time, I tried to let go of the housework and mommy guilt and had a mani/pedi.  I actually let myself begin to relax and enjoy my time.....and then my phone rang.  It was the pre-school teacher telling me Little Miss had a tummy ache.  If you know this child, you know that I am fully expecting her to win an Emmy one day.  Of course, I rush to school to get her and she comes running up to me with a big smile on her face.  The Friday teachers have not become wise to her tactics yet.  So, I picked her up early.

A day in the life of a wife/stay at home mom/CF trainer is never typical.  You never know what the day will throw in your face.  Just have to take it the best you can and keep moving.  Seriously, what else can you do?

I need to go have a bone density scan done.  When I turned 30 I was diagnosed with osteoporosis.  I was not overly surprised by this due to having Osteogenesis Imperfecta which is a hereditary bone disease.  Anyway- I need to go have this done again to see what CF has done for me.  I feel 100% confident that the work I do at CrossFit Champions (CFC) has improved my bone density.  I just want proof of it.  I will be 39 soon, holy shit, and want to know where I stand as far as my bones go.  I have lost about two inches of my height from the time I was in my late teens.  Some of it is from scoliosis which was not present when I was in my teens and some is a result of when I broke my back.  Either way - I don't want to get any shorter!  There is a worry in the back of my mind each time I do dead lifts, one of my most favorite lifts, that I am smashing my vertebrae closer and closer together and harming myself.  Then there is the voice in the front of my mind the says "200 pounds is SOOOOOO close, keep it up".  Currently at a 195 PR. That makes me so happy!  I love being strong!

Tonight was a true test of wanting what I want most instead of what I want right now.  After dance we went out to dinner.  This is a very dangerous situation when you are on a 21 day hard core nutrition program. We went to SmashBurger.  So, the rest of my family is happily eating their burgers (with buns and cheese), fries and fried pickles as I am eating my chicken salad with no dressing and no cheese (it did have guacamole which works as a tasty dressing).  Now, I really do love this salad.  However, tonight was really difficult for me because Friday or Saturday dinner is typically when I will eat whatever I have been craving all week.  My sugar/carb demons were out in full force tonight.  I was able to resist.  I kept thinking about how many times I have given in and therefore set myself back to the starting line.  I don't want to do that anymore.  After dinner we took the kids to Orange Leaf.  Holy hell.  I am not really an ice cream or frozen yogurt lover, but again, here I sit wanting a bite, just one bite.  Again, I was able to stay focused on what I want so badly - a leaner body where the hard work at the gym pays off in more easily seen muscles and less jiggle and the confidence to take on swim suit season.  If I was not reporting to anyone, I really do not think I would have been able to pull off tonight without caving in to my addictions.  But, I know that Monday morning I have to email my food log for the previous week.  Accountability is important.

Fran is reminding me of her existence in my life this morning.  The soreness is setting in to my quads.  Oh, sweet Fran, you are one bad bitch.

Have you noticed, I can't really stay focused on one topic?? Something Shiny!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today - just a picture of a kitty and a Micro Pocket Pig.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wow.  A real blog!  
My blog is going to be focused on being a real life wife/stay at home mom/CrossFit trainer/etc. without getting to distracted by shiny things!  My family and friends know about 'Something Shiny'!  Wish me luck on that!

I have been married for over 14 years and my husband and I have a 5 year old daughter and a 6 year old son.  Life is never too predictable or too boring as any parent can attest!

Like so many women out there I spent a large part of my life trying to get fit.  I had gone the globo gym route, tried running, bought a treadmill, I even had an Ab-roller!  Nothing was fun.  I tried to stick to the latest ideas on what you should eat to lose weight.  Again - while my friends would drop weight or clothes sizes - my numbers went up. So very frustrating.

While delivering our son, I fractured 3 vertebrae.  This really put exercise on hold!  When our son was 4 months old, my husband and I decided we wanted another baby - NOW!  And I got pregnant with our daughter.  So - again - where did exercise fit in?  Severe postpartum depression led to extreme weight loss - I was very skinny, but not healthy.

Then a place called CrossFit Champions opened up about a mile from my house.  I would drive pass each day running errands or taking the kids to pre-school and would see these people outside doing fun looking exercise.  Twice I pulled into the parking lot, chickened out, and drove on home.  Then one day I went in to sign up for a boot camp program.  I thought - OK, I'll sign up for this for one month and see what happens.  

That was three years ago and, well, here I am as one of their trainers!  I loved it!  I made new friends.  I learned about the Paleo lifestyle, how to choose high quality food, was introduced to Yonder Way Farm.  So many wonderful things came to me through CrossFit Champions.  God puts things and people in your path for a reason. 

I am stronger than I have ever been in my life.  I still battle with wanting to be in better shape than I am currently in.  I still struggle with good food and lifestyle choices.  I still let the numbers on the scale or the tape measure get to me.  But, I keep trying.

In this blog you will see the good, bad and ugly of real life.  I will have great days and days that just suck.  the difference now is that I can get past the suck, and get back into the good! that is HUGE in my world!

The name of this blog was created by my sister-in-law.  I love it and can take NO credit for it!  Thanks again, Sista!  XOXO

So, there is a little history of where I started from.  Where I want to go is to a place of better fitness, bigger muscles, less body fat, clearer mind, and a peaceful soul.  I'm getting there.  Slow but sure, I'm getting there!